Everett Sex Crimes Attorney

Aggressive Representation for Sex Crimes Offenses in Lynnwood, Everett and Throughout Snohomish County

Sexual assault allegations can ruin a person’s reputation and standing in the community. A sexual assault charge can strain family relations and negatively impact employment. A conviction will have more serious consequences including court ordered sexual deviancy treatment, a requirement to register as a sex offender, and a lengthy prison sentence. In fact, some sex offenders are not released from prison until the Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board (ISRB) determines the individual has been rehabilitated. Visit for information on the ISRB release process.

We consider every allegation as a life altering event. Michael P. Sheehy will personally assess your case and provide a step-by-step game plan. It is essential and urgent for the defense team to initiate a separate investigation from the police. Do not rely on law enforcement officers to collect and maintain exculpatory evidence on your behalf. Don’t let the passage of time ruin your defense- some evidence will be here today, but gone tomorrow including videos, phone records, emails, and evidence from potential witnesses. At the Law Office of Michael P. Sheehy, PLLC, we have professional investigators ready to collect and preserve evidence vital to your case.

Sex Offense Lawyer Serving Lynnwood, WA

It is imperative to have the help of an experienced Lynnwood criminal defense attorney. Even misdemeanor offenses such as indecent exposure, communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, or solicitation of prostitution, have potential registration requirements and devastating consequences. Any charge deemed a “sexual offense” has permanent and harsh consequences unlike the penalties for a DUI, illegal drugs (VUCSA), assault or theft charge. Michael P. Sheehy has handled sex offenses as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney. He knows the best strategies and defenses available for clients facing allegations of rape, prostitution, solicitation of prostitution, communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, child pornography, sexual assault, child molestation, voyeurism, indecent exposure, and juvenile sex crimes.

Contact us to see what an Everett sex crimes attorney at our law office may be able to do for your particular case!